Caliburn.Micro Xaml made easy

Nuget Package Installation

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects that use the .NET Framework. Caliburn.Micro is proud to support the NuGet Package Manager.

Installing the packages

With the latest version of Nuget installed, open the Package Manager Console and type:

PM> Install-Package Caliburn.Micro

After installation

Clean out your App.xaml.cs file. It should look like this:

namespace YourNamespace
    using System.Windows;

    public partial class App : Application
        public App()

Add the AppBoostrapper to your App.xaml’s Resources section.

<Application xmlns=""
                    <local:AppBootstrapper x:Key="bootstrapper" />

Note: Make sure to remove the StartupUri value. Caliburn.Micro will be handling the main window creation for you. As a result, you no longer need the MainWindow.xaml either.

WinRT and WinUI3

For WinRT and WinUI3, the process of getting started is unfortunately quite different from the other platforms, due to significant design differences in the Windows Xaml APIs. For detailed instructions please see Working with WinRT and Working with WinUI3.

.net Maui

For .net Maui, the process of getting started is unfortunately quite different from the other platforms because the app provides output for multiple platforms. For detailed instructions please see Working with .net Maui.

Avalonia UI

For detailed instructions on using Caliburn.Micro with Avalonia UI see Working with AvaloniaUI

Using Packages from the GitHub NuGet Feed

Generating a Token

To use a GitHub NuGet package, you first need to generate a token with permissions to read packages.

  1. Log in to GitHub.
  2. Navigate to this page.

Select the read:packages permission. Typically, I set the expiration for a year, but you can choose whatever period suits you best.

read permissions

Add nuget source

Once you generate the token you will use it in to call dotnet nuget

  dotnet nuget add source --username <Your username> --password <Your token Goes here> --store-password-in-clear-text --name "Caliburn.Micro github" ""

Replace <YourUsername> with your username and <Your Token Goes here> with the token you just generated. Feel free to change the name of the source.

Add the nuget package

To add a package to your project in the folder with the csproj run the following command.

 dotnet add package Caliburn.Micro.Maui --version 5.0.183-beta --source ""