From the beginning Caliburn.Micro uses IResult and Coroutines for asynchronous operations.
With .NET 4.0 Microsoft added Task to the .NET Framework for better supporting parallel/async operations. And in .NET 4.5 they added async/await keywords to C# and VB.NET.
Instead of registering an callback when a coroutine is completed you now can await it:
public static class Coroutine {
public static void BeginExecute(
IEnumerator<IResult> coroutine,
CoroutineExecutionContext context = null,
EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> callback = null) { }
public static Task ExecuteAsync(
IEnumerator<IResult> coroutine,
CoroutineExecutionContext context = null) { }
A Task object can be wrapped in an IResult and used inside a coroutine as if it were an IResult:
public static class TaskExtensions {
public static Task ExecuteAsync(
this IResult result, CoroutineExecutionContext context = null) { }
public static Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(
this IResult<TResult> result,
CoroutineExecutionContext context = null) { }
public static TaskResult AsResult(this Task task) { }
public static TaskResult<TResult> AsResult<TResult>(this Task<TResult> task) { }
yield return Task.Delay(500).AsResult();
The other way round also works as you can wrap an IResult in a Task by ExecuteAsync.
await new SimpleResult().ExecuteAsync();
And finally also EventAggregator supports Task with the IHandleWithTask