Caliburn.Micro Xaml made easy

The Event Aggregator

Handle Interfaces

The use of async/await allows the combining of IHandleWithTask, IHandleWithCoroutine and IHandle into a single interface to provide consistent behaviour.

public interface IHandle<TMessage>
    Task HandleAsync(TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

This does mean that every class using one of these interfaces will require some minor modifications. Changes in how a class subscribes to events are detailed in a separate section in this document.

IHandle implementations


public void Handle(MyNotification message)
    ... do something ...

4.0.0 (equivalent behaviour)

public async Task HandleAsync(MyNotification message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    ... do something ...
    return Task.CompleteTask;

IHandleWithTask implementations


public async Task Handle(MyNotification message)
   await Task.Delay(3000);


public Task HandleAsync(MyNotification message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    await Task.Delay(3000, cancellationToken);

IHandleWithCoroutine implementations


public IEnumerable<IResult> Handle(ProductSelectedMessage message)
    yield return new LoadingResult();
    yield return new GetProductResult(message.ProductId);


public Task HandleAsync(ProductSelectedMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
    var context = new CoroutineExecutionContext { Target = this, View = GetView() };
    await new LoadingResult().ExecuteAsync(context);
    await new GetProductResult(message.ProductId).ExecuteAsync(context);


The publish method (and all overloads) now returns a Task that completes when all handling methods have finished.

Subscription marshalling

Previously all thread marshalling was handled by publishing and the following methods.

  1. PublishOnCurrentThreadAsync.
  2. PublishOnBackgroundThreadAsync.
  3. PublishOnUIThreadAsync.

We’re now adding similar functionality to subscriptions and the following methods.

  1. SubscribeOnPublishedThread.
  2. SubscribeOnBackgroundThread.
  3. SubscribeOnUIThread.

It’s advised that you decide on marshalling at one end and follow that consistently through the app.