New Samples
24 Mar 2017Recently I’ve gone through an effort to rebuild and reogranize the samples for Caliburn.Micro. There a number of goals:
- Have consistent setup examples for all supported platforms.
- Have examples of most framework features on all supported platforms.
- Highlight novel scenarios for using Calbirn.Micro.
These projects can also form the foundation for anyone looking to repro a small issue with ease.
An example of a barebones setup for each supported platform, just beyond the bare minimum (includes a container and dependency injection.) These include:
- Windows 10 / UWP
- Xamarin.iOS
- Xamarin.Android
- Xamarin.Forms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Portable Class Library)
- Windows 8.1
- Windows Phone 8.1 / Windows Runtime
- Windows Phone 8.1 / Silverlight
- Silverlight
A solution that demonstrates the usage of most major framework features across all the supported platforms (showing some of the inevitable platform discrepancies). Also this solution provides an example of using a Shared project to share code (in this case the view models) across mulitple platforms. The features covered include:
- Binding Conventions
- Action Conventions
- Coroutines
- Dispatching to the UI thread
- Event Aggregation
- Design Time Conventions
- Conductors and Composition
A collection of solutions highlighting one off scenarios that may or not apply to multiple platforms. They’re such that demonstrating them on all platforms would not add extra value. These include:
- Switching IoC containers to something like Autofac
- The use of F#
- Customising the framework