Caliburn.Micro Xaml made easy

New Website

Caliburn.Micro finally has it’s own website! Moving from Codeplex to GitHub leaves a bit of a gap in terms of good place to host documentation and provide announcements.

We now have a central place for announcements regarding the project rather than coming from individual team members blogs. So it should be easier to keep up with changes / new features etc.

As with most open source projects the documentation always needs a lot of work and especially with the move to PCL’s and the new XAML platforms available to us. While we already have a pile of docs we need to bring them back up to scratch and make them easier for new users.

From a technical level the website is built with Jekyll and hosted with GitHub pages. What’s cool about this is that there’s a publicly available repository for the site so if you find any typos or issues you can either create an issue on the repo or even send us a pull request.