Caliburn.Micro Xaml made easy

Community Posts

This is the start of something I’d like to do semi-regularly and highlight some of the community content out there about Caliburn.Micro.

Using Caliburn.Micro With Async/Await - Valeriu Caraulean

Shows off some of the features and support for the Async / Await pattern brought in by C# 5.0 including the Event Aggregator and Coroutines

Easily use DesignData with Caliburn.Micro for Windows Store apps - Ben Dewey

Demonstrates how you can use sample data at design time in both Expression Blend and Visual Studio and shows it working in a Universal app.

Upgrading Caliburn Micro from 1.5 to 2.0 for a WPF application - Cureos AB

Discusses the process they went through migrating a 1.5 app to 2.0 in WPF.

Using Caliburn Micro with Universal Windows app - Matteo Pagani

A long series on using Caliburn.Micro in universal apps, in fact Matteo’s blog is fantastic resource for everything op the subject and recommend everyone have a browse.

MVVM Made Easy: an Intro to Caliburn Micro on Windows Phone

If you author and / or see any content out their that you think is worth highlighting then get in contact