Caliburn.Micro Xaml made easy

Caliburn.Micro 2.0.0

Announcing a new version of Caliburn.Micro with support for all Xaml platforms, PCL and Universal app support, an improved web site and docs and new leadership for the future.

The Release

I’m elated to announce that today we are officially releasing Caliburn.Micro 2.0. A lot of work has gone into this release, including some major re-design to enable PCL and Universal App support. We’ve taken this opportunity to fix up the core of the framework so that it’s better designed to function in a more friction-free way across all Xaml platforms. Naturally, we’ve also fixed a ton of bugs and added some new features along the way. You can get it now on Nuget. We hope you ejoy the new version and that Caliburn.Micro continues to make your Xaml app development less like work and more like play :)

There are some breaking changes that comes with such a major redesign. Most of these have been documented at Migrating to 2.0.0

The Web Site

Correspondent with this release, we’re launching a new web site: The new site will function as a source of news, documentation and releases. We hope that giving the project a more official home and providing the docs in a cleaner, easy-to-read format will help you and future developers pick up and learn the library faster.

The Leadership

Thanks for this incredible work go entirely to Nigel Sampson and Thomas Ibel. I had nothing to do with this release except to answer an occasional question. That brings me to an important point. I’m not working with Xaml much anymore and haven’t personally been using Caliburn.Micro for development for a while now. So, I feel it’s time to pass the torch. As part of this release, we’re officially announcing that Nigel Sampson will be taking over the role of coordinating the Caliburn.Micro project. He’s worked with and helped develop Caliburn.Micro for a long time and he’s committed to its future and to open source. He’s a great man for the job and I’m happy to pass along my work to someone who shares the same vision for Xaml development. I’ll be staying on as an advisor, of course, but I expect things will get along quite well with Nigel in charge and Thomas there to keep refining the core.